terms & conditions

General T&C related to all activities organised by Junction


Introduction and Definitions

Junction, JunctionX and other events are hackathon events, competitions and speaker events bringing together developers, designers and entrepreneurs and organized by several Junction entities.

In these Terms and Conditions (“Terms” or “Agreement”) “Junction” or “we” refers to the Junction entity defined on the Junction Site on which you apply to participate in, purchase a ticket for or otherwise register to a specific Junction, JunctionX or other events organized by the Junction entity in question.

In this Agreement “Event” refers to the Junction, JunctionX and other events organized by a Junction entity you apply to participate in, purchase a ticket for or otherwise register to.

In this Agreement “Junction Site(s)” refers to the following websites owned and operated by Junction Oy (Business ID: 2823785-1): www.hackjunction.com, www.hackjunction.org, www.hackjunction.net, www.hackjunction.fi, www.junction.fi and heltech.org as well as to the online services, such as a platform that may contain application forms, project submission and other services related to the Event, provided by Junction Oy on such websites.

In this Agreement “Platform Account” refers to the individual user account of an applicant or participant of an Event located on a Junction Site. Applicant’s or participant’s Event application form is located on the Platform Account and the applicant or participant in question may modify the information provided on the application form on the Platform Account. Event participants may also give additional information to the Event organizers, find a hackathon team, submit a project and use other services related to the Event.

You agree to be bound by these Terms by applying to participate in, purchase a ticket or otherwise register to the Event on a Junction Site. For avoidance of doubt, a person that has been accepted to, purchased a ticket or otherwise registered to the Event is considered having participated in the Event.

These Terms constitute a binding legal agreement between you, i.e. the applicant or participant of an Event or a user of any of the Junction Sites (“Participant” or “you”), and Junction.

Should you have any questions regarding these Terms, you may contact us by e-mail at hello@hackjunction.com or by mail at address Junction Oy, PL1188, 00101 Helsinki, Finland.

These Terms may be modified by Junction or Junction Oy from time to time, such modifications to be effective upon posting by Junction Oy on the Junction Sites. It is Participant’s responsibility to periodically check-up these Terms for changes. Continued participation in the Event and/or continued use of the Junction Sites by Participant following the posting of changes will imply that Participant accepts and agrees to the changes. Additionally, you may be reading these terms on a service provided by a third party, in this case the version of terms may be outdated, to make sure, the latest version can always be found on the Junction Sites.

Application to the Event

You may apply to the Event by registering a Platform Account and filling out an application form on the Platform Account during the relevant application period. Alternatively, the application may be collected by using a third party service during the relevant application period, in which case a Platform Account is not required.

When applying for participation in the Event you shall provide accurate and complete registration and other information to Junction as requested by Junction.

You shall use all reasonable endeavors to prevent unauthorized access to, or use of, the Platform Account. In the event of or if you have reason to suspect any unauthorized access or use of the Platform Account, or if your password has been revealed to a third party, You shall promptly notify Junction thereof.

If you register or apply as an entity or on behalf of a team, you confirm that such entity and each person in the team accepts these Terms and you have the right to represent such entity and team for the purposes of these Terms.

Use restrictions

Participant having a Platform Account is not permitted and not entitled to do any of the following:

sign up for an Application Account on behalf of someone else;

use the Application Account for transmitting any unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, contests, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation or mass messaging;

use the Application Account in violation of applicable law;

use the Application Account in ways that violate Intellectual Property Rights, business secrets or privacy of third parties;

use the Application Account to transmit any material that contains adware, malware, spyware, software viruses, worms or any other computer code designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of computer software or equipment.

Participation in the Event

In connection with your participation in the Event, you shall provide accurate and complete information to Junction as requested by Junction.

Junction has the right at its sole discretion to require an application and determine the participants of each Event among the applicants. Such decision by Junction cannot be appealed. For clarity, Junction also has the right to accept a formerly rejected applicant’s participation in the Event at its sole discretion by informing such applicant thereof.

Junction may provide the Participants of the Event with technical challenges and resources/materials to be worked with in the Event.

Junction or a team chosen by Junction may choose a winner or winners among the work products (“Submission”) created and developed in the Event by the Participants. The selection of the winner(s) of the Event shall at all times be final and cannot be appealed. If you accept a prize for winning the Event, you are solely responsible for all applicable taxes related to accepting such prize.

Note that Junction has the right to disqualify you from the Event at any time in its sole discretion for example due to inappropriate behavior at the Event, breach of the rules of the Event or these Terms, or due to the wish of Junction. Junction has the right to cancel or suspend the Event for any or no reason. Junction is not responsible for any damage or inconvenience caused by a cancellation or suspension of the Event or your disqualification.

The use of the Junction Sites is free of charge. Junction may set various prices for tickets to the Event. More information regarding the participant eligibility, challenges, resources, prices, rules, venue, organizers of the Event, volunteering, partnerships and the schedule of the Event can be found on the relevant Junction Site.

If participating in the Event, you must comply with the following rules:

You must adhere to these Terms and any additional rules stated at the beginning of the Event by Junction;

Your Submission shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, harmful code or any other element that is malicious or damaged;

Your Submission shall not contain any content that violates any law or any third-party rights (including privacy and intellectual property rights), unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission or license to use such content in your Submission in the Event in accordance with these Terms;

You shall upload information relating to your Submission on your Platform Account or on a service provided by a third party. Such information includes e.g. the name and description of the Submission, Submission punchline, describing media content, link to the Submission source code and the track and challenge you participated in the Event. You may choose whether you want your name to be visible on the submission platform or whether you want to remain anonymous. In case you decide to remain anonymous, your name will not appear in connection with the Submission on the submission platform unless you include it in your Submission description. The information relating to your Submission may be uploaded to a third party service, in which case refer to the Event specific terms for information relating to the publicity of your Submission.

Participant Content on the Junction Site

You are solely responsible for all the content that you may be entitled to upload/transmit to the Junction Sites, including the Submission (“Participant Content”). Junction and Junction Oy shall have the right, but shall not be obliged to, monitor the Participant Content, in order to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement. In case Junction or Junction Oy believes, in its reasonable opinion, that any Participant Content violates this Agreement, intellectual property rights or any applicable law, Junction or Junction Oy shall have the right to delete such Participant Content.

Junction and Junction Oy disclaim any responsibility for the backup and/or retention of any Participant Content. The Junction Site shall not be used for the back-up of any Participant Content.

Participant agrees that Junction and Junction Oy do not assume any liability or responsibility in respect to any Participant Content and Participant shall at all times ensure that Participant Content does not infringe any rights of third parties or any applicable law. Furthermore, The Participant Content shall not be offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate. For clarity, Junction and Junction Oy are not responsible and shall not be held liable for any Participant Content, nor do they endorse any opinion contained in any Participant Content.

Junction and Junction Oy shall have the right to generate anonymous user data and statistical data from Participant Content. Junction or Junction Oy shall reserve all rights to such anonymised data.

Intellectual Property Rights

All Submissions and other work performed at the Event remain the intellectual property of the individuals or entities that have developed them. Junction makes no claim to any intellectual property developed during the course of the Event, except as otherwise provided herein. However, Participant hereby grants Junction and its business partners a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable and non-exclusive license to use information relating to the Submission provided by you on the submission platform for promotional and marketing purposes of Junction and its business partners. You understand that you will not receive any royalty or compensation for this use of your Submission by Junction.

By participating in the Event, you acknowledge that the Event will be recorded for reference and similar use, and therefore you grant Junction a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable and non-exclusive license to display your work performed at the Event for promotional and marketing purposes of Junction, for example in blog posts, online videos or case descriptions. You understand that you will not receive any royalty or compensation for this use of your work by Junction.

Junction Oy owns and retains all intellectual property rights in the Junction Sites. The JUNCTION name and logo are owned by Junction Oy, and may not be copied, imitated or used without the permission of Junction Oy. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a transfer of any intellectual property rights or other rights of Junction Oy or Junction to you.


By attending the Event, Participant consents to being filmed and/or photographed at the Event. Furthermore, Participant consents to any such footage to be published in Junction’s and/or a third party’s, as the case may be, marketing and communication channels without the Participant’s review or approval and without compensation at any time.

The Submission(s) or parts thereof may be published on a Junction Site at the Participant’s sole discretion and will be available on the Junction Sites for a period of time determined by the Participant and his/her team members. Junction may also choose a third party service provider for publishing the Submission(s) or parts thereof, in which case refer to the Event specific terms for information about the Submission publicity. For clarity, the Participant and his/her team members have the right to freely determine the content relating to the Submission(s) to be published on the Junction Sites as long it complies with the restrictions set in relevant laws and regulations and in Junction Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy effective at the time, and delete such content which is available on the Junction Sites. Deleting submission(s) may affect Participant’s performance in the competition or cause other changes in his/her attendance in the Event.


As part of your participation in or application to the Event, you may be exposed to confidential information of Junction, as part of the Event resources or otherwise, such as confidential and/or proprietary knowledge, knowhow, data or information concerning the business, relationships and financial affairs of Junction or third parties whether or not labeled or identified as confidential or proprietary (“Confidential Information”), including without limitation inventions and results of R&D, services and marketing plans, source code, object code, customer and supplier and other third-party information, business plans, budgets, financial information, prices and costs.

You agree that you will hold in confidence and security and you will not make available to any third party any Confidential Information during the Event and thereafter. You agree that you shall use the Confidential Information only during and for the purposes of the Event and in accordance with any Junction policies.

Personal Data

Junction collects and processes data, including personal data, in relation to Participant’s registrations or applications on the Junction Site, application to or participation in the Event, such as Participant’s contact details, other identification data, CV and information relating to the Submissions. To the extent Junction is considered as data controller for such personal data pursuant to the applicable laws, Junction informs data subjects regarding the processing practices in Junction’s Privacy Policy and processes such personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy in force from time to time. Junction’s Privacy Policy can be found on the relevant Junction Site.

Junction Oy collects and processes data, including personal data, in relation to Participant’s use of the Junction Sites, such as Participant’s contact details, other identification data, CV and information relating to the Submissions. To the extent Junction Oy is considered as data controller for such personal data pursuant to the applicable laws, Junction Oy informs data subjects regarding the processing practices in Junction Oy’s Privacy Policy and processes such personal data in accordance with Junction Oy’s Privacy Policy in force from time to time. Junction Oy’s Privacy Policy can be found on the relevant Junction Site.


This Agreement will remain in full force and effect while you are a user of the Junction Site or participate in the Event.

Provisions of this Agreement intended to survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement shall do so.


Junction Oy will make reasonable efforts to keep the Junction Sites operational. However, certain technical difficulties or maintenance may, from time to time, result in temporary interruptions.

Junction will make reasonable efforts to keep the Event operational. Junction reserves the right to alter the content, timing, date and/or location of the Event, without liability to Participant, provided that the Event, as altered, is substantially similar to the Event as originally advertised. Junction also reserves the right to cancel the Event at any time whereupon Participant shall obtain a full refund of any fees possibly paid hereunder.

Junction Oy reserves the right, periodically and at any time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, functions and features of the Junction Sites.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Junction or Junction Oy be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential or punitive damages, arising out of the application to or participation in the Event or arising out of the use of the Junction Sites or for any direct damages in excess of the amounts actually charged by Junction or Junction Oy from you.

The parties to this Agreement do not restrict their liability for any matter in respect of which, by mandatory law (such as consumer protection laws), it is not permitted to restrict their liability.

Governing law and disputes

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country in which the Event in question is organized, without reference to its conflict of law provisions. All disputes shall be settled by the court of first instance of the place of domicile of Junction.


This Agreement only covers the Junction Sites (and the Event) and the use thereof and any and all linked third party services and platforms are provided by the relevant third parties and covered by their terms of use or other agreement or license. Junction does not assume any liability in regard to use of such third party services and platforms, whether or not they are linked to the Junction Sites.

The content on the Junction Sites, including, but not limited to, the text, graphics, images, links, and other materials are for informational purposes only. Junction and Junction Oy do not recommend or endorse any specific software or other information that may be mentioned on the Junction Sites. Reliance on any information provided on the Junction Sites is solely at your own risk.

If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

No agency, partnership, or employment is created as a result of these Terms.

You may not assign this Agreement to a third party. Junction and Junction Oy have the right to assign this Agreement to their affiliates or successors as part of a restructuring, merger, acquisition, asset sale or other corporate reorganization.